Our Sunday Service is 12:30PM EST
Our Sunday afternoon service is intended for
anyone curious about and seeking a spiritual community.
an open table communion each week – all are welcome,
scripture readings,
contemporary readings,
blended music – traditional, contemporary,
Taizé and praise and worship,
as well as a reflection/message.
Our church is a welcoming community comprised largely of LGBTQ+ people. We believe in full inclusion of all people – not in spite of, but because of who we are, and we share the good news of reconciliation of our spirituality and sexuality. MCC Louisville is comprised of people from many church traditions to none. We offer a place where you can explore and discover a relationship with God in community. We affirm the way of Jesus, following his example of love and embracing a life of liberation.
We lease space at St. Andrew UCC, 2608 Browns Lane, Louisville.
The parking and entrance are in the back of the building
(ADA accessible).